Elder Law Planning

Prepare for your senior loved ones’ golden years
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Elder Law Planning Attorney In Colorado & Arizona

Protect Your Loved One When They’re Most Vulnerable

Elder care involves a series of stressful and difficult decision that millions of Americans face each year. Medical and technological advances have extended the average lifespan of our aging loved ones, but they often spend those golden years falling prey to unscrupulous relatives, nursing home workers, and scammers. Elder care is a wide branch of the law aimed at safeguarding some of our most vulnerable members: our elderly and our disabled.

Elder law covers a range of issues that involve legal and financial matters concerning senior citizens and disabled persons, including the following:

  • Powers of attorney (financial and healthcare)
  • Conservatorship or guardianship
  • Medicaid planning
  • Estate planning
  • Advanced medical directives

Protecting the rights and welfare of the elderly and their families is essential. At Klein Law Firm, P.C., our experienced elder care law attorney can help you address any concerns you may have and plan ahead for your aging loved one.

Contact Klein Law Firm, P.C. to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 720-802-5171

Paying For Long-Term Care

The costs and concerns associated with elder care can be substantial. There are five ways to pay for long term care:

  1. Pay privately – In the Phoenix, Arizona, or Denver, Colorado, areas, paying out of pocket for skilled nursing will cost you about $6,000 per month, making this option financially out of reach for many.
  2. Medicare – Medicare is not a permanent solution for long-term care. It is considered limited term.
  3. Long-term care insurance – If you wait until you or your loved one requires long-term care to acquire long-term care insurance, it’s too late. If, on the other hand, you plan ahead, this type of insurance can be a good idea to help many families cover the exorbitant costs of care.
  4. Medicaid (ALTCS in Arizona or Medi-Cal in California) – Not every elder person will qualify for Medicaid. Planning at least five years in advance with the help of a qualified attorney is, therefore, the best way to ensure your loved one is eligible for Medicaid.
  5. Veteran’s benefits – Your knowledgeable elder law attorney can help you explore the best way to take advantage of any veteran’s benefits you’ve earned.

If your spouse, parent, or loved one is in need of long-term care, the costs of such care can rapidly deplete their assets. At the Klein Law Firm, P.C., we’re proud to focus on elder care law as one of our primary areas of practice. We assist clients in Medicaid and Veteran’s benefits planning for long-term care. Our goal is to ensure that your loved one becomes eligible for public assistance in the most efficient manner that is allowable under the law and regulations in this area.

Setting The Highest Standard Of Elder Law Practice

Our expert elder law attorney at Klein Law Firm, P.C., will ensure that your estate plan covers all eventualities so that your loved ones can have a secure and protected future, no matter how long they might require professional care. We pride ourselves on taking a personalized approach to each client’s needs and goals, ensuring they end up with strategies that make sense for them and their families.

Our lawyers will meet with you and evaluate your unique situation in order to create a comprehensive plan to take advantage of all elder car law vehicles. We provide dedicated support in all aspects of estate planning to help you achieve your desired results. Our goal is to give our clients peace of mind that comes from knowing they have skilled counsel working to protect their future.

We are Klein Law Firm, your experienced, responsive, cost-effective, diligent, and dedicated legal team who can look after all of your estate planning needs, including elder law. Most importantly though, we treat your family like we would treat our own.

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